Contact us!
If you are considering enrolling your school in our teaching course, it is unfortunately not yet possible, as we are still developing the course with three local schools. But we are very happy to share our thoughts about the project, so that you may You can start similar activities at your school yourself.
If you want to hear more, you can write to
The association "Plant a Seed"
Blæsenborgvej 9
4320 Lejre
Tel. 22 61 10 66
Ledig Stilling
Brænder du for at arbejde med børn og bæredygtighed? Vi søger netop nu en ny medarbejder til vores undervisningsprogram ”Plant et Frø” på Vibevadgaard i Lejre.
Du kommer til at indgå i et team med 2 andre undervisere og får kontor på Vibevadgaard, der ligger i gåafstand fra stationen. Stillingen er på 20-30 timer pr. uge og starter februar/marts 2025. Starttidspunkt og timetal efter aftale. Stillingen er tidsbegrænset til 2 år men vi forventer at kunne skaffe midler til at gøre stillingen permanent.
Ansøgninger sendes til:
Henrik Byrial
Ansøgningsfrist fredag den 10. januar 2025
Stillingen indebærer
- Undervisning af skoleelever fra årgangen 4.-5. klasse ca. 9 timer om ugen, primært i perioden april-november. Næsten al undervisning foregår udendørs.
- At indgå i et samarbejde med forskere i pædagogik og Lejre Kommune om en undersøgelse af virkningerne af vores undervisning på naturdannelse og trivsel.
- Administrative opgaver, bl.a. i forhold til udvikling af vores nye friskole i Lejre.
- Vi håber at finde en person der kan dække alle tre områder. Hvis dette ikke lykkes, vil der blive stået to stillinger op der tilsammen dækker de tre områder.
Dig vi søger:
Vi leder efter en kollega, der først og fremmest holder af at undervise børn. Dernæst lægger vi vægt på, at du mener, at en bæredygtig udvikling på samfundsplan er vigtig. Du kan se mere om vores undervisning, baggrund og principper her på hjemmesiden.
Har du spørgsmål?
Tøv ikke med at kontakte os for yderligere oplysninger.
Skriv eller ring til Henrik Byrial på eller 22611066
Who are we
Henrik Byrial
Head of Plant a Seed
Henrik is an organic farmer and researcher (PhD) in plant physiology. In collaboration with other researchers, he has developed a number of patented natural medicine preparations and has conducted clinical trials with leading doctors in Denmark to document their effect on human health. The development takes place in the laboratory at Vibe Økologi, where the students are also taught methods and creativity within the natural sciences. He has previously been a senior researcher and research group leader in the area of food at Aarhus University and has sat on a number of boards in companies that research plants and human health. He farms 45 hectares of organic land at Vibevadgaard with berries, fruit and herbs. For 11 years, he has been restaurant NOMA's main supplier of fruit and berries. In addition, Aronia juice and powder are produced for the health market in Vibe Økologi. Henrik has for many years worked with climate-related issues and worked for several years on starting a climate experimentarium for school students. In addition, he has participated in a number of local climate initiatives and has completed projects with geothermal heating, solar cells integrated in the farm's greenhouse (off-grid) and the installation of solar cells that drive the farm's electricity consumption. Finally, together with researchers, he conducts experiments with climate-friendly cultivation of berry bushes – including C fixation in the soil as a function of cultivation technique.
Christina Guldberg
Biologist and teacher
Christina is a teacher on the farm. She has a scientific background as a biologist and combines this with versatile knowledge and practice within presence training exercises such as yoga, mindfulness and meditation. Through her teaching, Christina builds a bridge between nature and human. The starting point for her teaching is always play and movement with deep respect for each individual's abilities and limitations. Christina is also responsible for introducing the children to "Nature right now" - a fixed element in the introduction, where the students become aware of the things that surround them in nature at a given season, learning to name them and having dialogues about the plant/mushroom/others' function and place in an ecosystem.